An Image of a Camera

First impression is the last impression. Product photography takes up 20% of your business efforts. This is the first thing viewers see in a website. Therefore, we have to make sure it lasted long in their minds. Any kinds of photography mistakes will create negative impression on the company. Here are the 5 photography mistakes every E-commerce business should avoid

  1. Lack of Attention to the Background – By looking at the background, sometimes we get so focused on capturing the subject that we do not notice at the background closely. The background may require some editing to meet the main purpose of product photography for your E-commerce business.

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For instance, the above photo on the left has some unnecessary details which should not be there. This is what reflects on the right side of an image. To remove any background photo, you can visit Autoclipping who will remove any background from your photo for free.

2. Consider Lighting Option – You need to consider the lighting option while taking photos for product photography. Always try to avoid shooting directly into the sun because in most cases the sun will wash out the photo and make it unusable. Do not take a photo in daylight unless the sun is behind you. Have more light in front of the subject than behind it.

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For example, the left side of the above photo looked burned whereas the right side of the photo looked perfect. It happened because the sun directly reflects on the glass on the left image. For right side of an image, it was resolved because the photographer knows his position on how to take the perfect photo in this situation.

3. Perfectly Centering the Subject – Centering the subject of your images while taking the photograph of your products without the grid will not look perfect. Look for opportunities to utilize the “rule of thirds” in composing your images.

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The way of taking pictures using the grid is called ‘The rule of Thirds.’ To know more about Rule of Third, read our previous blog.

4. Show multiple angles of the product – While taking a photo, try to offer images of the products sold from various angles and combine different colors if appropriate.

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Since people are buying online, they can’t touch, try or smell the product. Multiple photo angles will increase the sales of your product as the customers can view it well.

5. Photography for Professionals – One can have a fantastic website and completely ruin it if you are not an expert photographer. It will only increase the risk of losing clients. Spend the time, effort and money to use a professional product photographer to gain more customers and make your product looks stunning.

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Remember that you are an E-commerce Business Owner and your photographs are doing the selling. Hence, professional photographers should take all of your product photos. Look at the above picture, the left side of the photo was taken by a non-professional and wanna be photographer whereas the right side of the photo was taken by a professional and expert photographer.

Product images are important to your E-commerce business. Therefore, photography mistakes should not happen while shooting for your products. The best E-commerce website is the one that manages to offer a great buying experience. Almost 80% of your business efforts are occupied by marketing, selling, social media, accounting, planning, studying, marketing and so on. E-commerce is not an easy business. However, if you learn, optimize and respond to market changes, there is every chance of succeeding in E-commerce.

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