A cup of tea in 4 different background

In this article you will see how easily you can change the background of your image in 5 different ways in Photoshop. These are highly required in the E-commerce business. You need to know these technique to make things easier for you. These 5 ways will help you to do the job effortlessly. A good background will definitely enhance the beauty of an image by giving it magnificent outline and a clearer backdrop.

1.Way to Make Transparent Background in Photoshop

Launch Adobe Photoshop, go to the File menu and choose Open.

Select File menu and choose Open shown
Select File menu and choose Open

In the following window select the image you want to edit and press open.

Select the image you want to edit
Select the image you want to edit from desktop

Go to Layers and double click on the lock icon to unlock the layer and click OK. With unlock icon you are ready to edit the image.

Lock Icon is highlighted
Double click on the lock icon

Choose the Quick Selection tool from the menu bar.

Quick Selection tool is marked
Select Quick Selection tool

Select the part of the image you want to delete. Press Alt to subtract any selection you don’t want to keep when excess part get selected. Once you are satisfied with the selection,  (For more accurate way to select the portion of the image you can read this article Quick mask selection

 go to Select and choose Inverse.

Choose Select and then Inverse
Choose Select and then Inverse

To remove selected areas of the background use the delete key on your keyboard. Press Ctrl + D once to deselect the selection. You get a nice looking transparent background.

A baby is sleeping on a transparent background
Transparent Background

Original by Pixabay/ CC BY and edited by ImageEditing

How to Save Image with a Transparent Background in Photoshop CS6

If you want to save the image with a transparent background you need to use a format that supports transparency such as PNG or a tiff with transparency enables.

Go to the file menu and choose Save As,

Select File and then Save As is shown
Select File and then Save As

In the appeared window select the PNG file format then press the save button.

Selecting PNG format
Save Image with a Transparent Background

In the following window of  PNG Options  press okay.

In PNG Options box OK is selected
From PNG Options press OK

Now your image has been successfully saved with a transparent background.


2. How to change background from transparent to white in Photoshop 

Now we will see how to change Photoshop background from transparent to white.

Go to the file menu and choose open.

Select File menu and choose Open
Select File menu and choose Open

Open an image with transparent background from your desktop. Go to the Layer menu at the top and choose New and select the Layer option from the submenu.

Select Layer menu-New-Layer option
Select Layer menu-New-Layer option

In the next window set appearing press the OK button.

On New Layer Click OK

To set the background to white go up to the Edit menu at the top and choose Fill, or press Shift+F5 on the keyboard.

Select Edit- Fill is marked

When the Fill dialog box appears, choose White for the Contents  and press OK. The document will now filled with black.

From Fill dialog box choose White
From Fill dialog box choose White

Then go to layers drag-and-drop the created layer below the main layer.

drag-and-drop the created layer below the main layer shown by an arrow
Drag-and-drop the created layer below the main layer

Go to the Layer menu and Choose Flatten image to manage all layers.

Select Layer menu and then Flatten image
Select Layer menu and then Flatten image

As you can see the transparent background in the image has been successfully filled with white color.

3. How do I remove a background and replace with a new background in Photoshop?

Now we will learn how to remove and replace the background from a photo in Photoshop. This technique requires little bit of selecting and understanding a few basics on how a layer works. Don’t worry they are very easy, just the basics.

Open the image with the foreground you want to keep as well as the image that has the background you want to add in Photoshop. With the First image selected, Duplicate the Background layer.

Duplicate the Background Layer is pointed
Duplicate the Background Layer

Close the eye of the Background. On Background Copy Layer use the quick selection tool to paint the area you want to keep. In this case it’s the ground portion and the man on the sky. you have to zoom in to paint the jumping man to do that press Ctrl + Alt + scroll down the mouse wheel. Change the size of the quick selection brush by pressing the left or right bracket keys, beside the Enter on keyboard,  and paint in the man on bike.

So now that I’ve selected it. choose Select from the menu bar and press Inverse.

Choose Select from the menu bar and then Inverse
Choose Select from the menu bar and then Inverse

Then  go ahead and hit delete.  You’ll notice you still have the selection on so to get rid of Press Ctrl +D or Command + D and that will deselect it.

A man on cycle flying in mid air with transparent background
Press Ctrl +D or Command + D to deselect

Original by Pixabay/ CC BY and edited by ImageEditing

So the next thing we want to do, now that we’ve removed the background, we want to go ahead and bring a new file in that’s going to have a background we want to put in its place.

Go to the image you want to use as the background by clicking its tab and choosing Select < All and Edit <Copy to copy the entire image. Move on to the first image with the transparent background and press Edit < Paste.

The new image is on top of the layer
Layer 1 is selected

Now if you take a closer look at your layer palette you will notice your new layer called layer and you will notice that the sun set image is on top. So basically the way layers work if whatever layer is on top will cover up the layer below it. To move it to the background you’ll want to go into the layers panel and drag the new layer below the foreground image layer.

the New Layer is selected as in the middle
Drag the New Layer below the Foreground Image layer

There you have it you have successfully replaced a background in Photoshop

A man on bicycle floating in the mid in cloudy bachdrop
Successfully background is replaced

Original by Pixabay/ CC BY and edited by ImageEditing

Side note: If you’re trying to remove complex background with a lot of detail in it you’ll end up having to spend more time doing selecting in order to remove the background.

4.How to make background black and white in Photoshop

Now we will see how to use Photoshop to make a background black-and-white and a foreground in color. Go to the file menu press open and choose the photo you want to edit as before. Choose the quick selection tool from the toolbar. Accurately select the area on the photo you want to leave without changes.

A cup of tea with basil on top
Select the area on the image

Original by Pixabay/ CC

Then go to the Select menu and choose Inverse.

Choose Select menu and then Inverse
Choose Select menu and then Inverse

Go to the Image menu click Adjustments and choose Black and White.

 Select Image menu click Adjustments and choose Black and White.
Select Image- Adjustments-Black and White.

In the following window with the defaults press OK.

Press OK
Press OK

Go to the Select menu and choose Deselect.

Choose Select menu- Deselect
Choose Select menu- Deselect

Here is the Final Image.

Black and White Background with colorful mug with tea and basil on top of the mug
Black and White Background with color subject

Original by Pixabay/ CC BY and edited by ImageEditing

This is all from us today. Hope these technique will help you to achieve more work easily. However, these techniques are for initial stages. There are images which requires complex work like these these kind of work need expert help. As it involves more Photoshop tool knowledge. In addition they take more time and skill. We are an ISO certified company, we believe in delivering the best quality service and our customer satisfaction is our top priority. If you need to get your work done faster with expert image editors then let us take care of it.

Related Articles: 

How to Remove the Background of an Image

How to Change Background in Photoshop

Best Tool to Remove Background in Adobe Photoshop

Removing a Background from an Image in Photoshop

How to Remove an Image Background in Photoshop or Gimp


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